Samrat Sen
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)
Magnetohydrodynamics of Sun
MHD simulations of solar eruption
Coronal condensation
Magnetic flux tubes in solar atmosphere
Recent works
Currently, I am involved with the following projects. Interested people are cordially welcome to contact me for further details and suggestions regarding our research.
Tearing-Thermal evolution of Solar Current sheet (in 3D)
Simulation showing the evolution of magnetic field lines (top), plasma density (bottom left), and temperature (bottom right) for a coupled tearing-thermal current sheet in Sun (Sen et al. 2023).
Synthetic map view for different LOS direction of the current sheet after tearing-thermal evolution.
Tearing-Thermal evolution of Solar Current sheet (in 2D)
Evolution of plasmoids (left), and plasma density (right) for a current sheet in solar corona (Sen & Keppens, 2022)
How transverse MHD wave-driven turbulence influences the density filling factor in the solar corona?
You can please go through the attached self-explanatory poster available here
Ph.D. work
(Thesis Title: Twisted Magnetic flux tubes in the Sun)
Model of twisted flux tubes
Magnetic flux tubes are often found in the forms of small scale magnetic structures spanning from the solar surface (photosphere) to the higher atmosphere of the Sun (corona). The study of the flux tube physics is one of the key aspects as it plays an important role for wave propagation in the solar atmosphere that causes the coronal heating of the Sun, which is still an unsolved problem in solar physics.
We have developed a mathematical model of the equilibrium flux tubes for both open and closed magnetic fields with a twist, and explore the magnetic and thermodynamic structures of it. The theoretical prediction is in reasonable agreement with the observations. In future we plan to use our models to study the wave dynamics through the flux tubes.
The geometrical structure of the magnetic field lines of the flux tubes, obtained from our solution are shown in the figure at the left. You can check out our publications in the following links for more details.
Braiding and Magnetic reconnection for solar flare events
The magnetic footpoints in the solar photosphere performs stochastic motions, which causes the braiding of the magnetic field lines above the photosphere due to the flux freezing condition
We try to develope a model of multi braid system using the crossing number and winding numbers as the parameters and calculate the energy budget released from the system. We plan to compare this model with the existing observations in future. This model helps for understanding the mechanism of solar flare and related events.
The theoretical prediction of the energy distribution slope for braided topology of the magnetic field lines obtained from the self-organized critical (SOC) model, and the comparison with the solar flare events are shown in the figure at the right. You can check out our publication in the following link for further details.